ftax: Hawaii State Tax Refund Status Information

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ftax: Hawaii State Tax Refund Status Information

Hawaii State Tax Refund Status Information

In general, tax refunds due to you are issued within 8 weeks from the date your income tax return is filed with the Hawaii Department of Taxation. However, it may take additional time if you filed your income tax return close to the April 20 filing deadline, if errors were made in completing your income tax return, or if you moved and did not change your address in writing with the district tax office with which you filed your income tax return.

Please wait at least 4 weeks to allow for the processing of the income tax return before you contact the Department regarding the status of your tax return. If your mailing address has changed since you filed your return, you must notify the Department in writing of your new address as soon as possible. You should also provide the Social Security Number or Federal Identification Number shown on the return with your address change request. Refund checks are not forwarded by the Postal Service even if you give a forwarding address to the Postal Service. Checks sent to an old address will be returned to the district office with which you filed your income tax return.

If you have not received your refund after four weeks, you may call Taxpayer Services at (808)587-4242
or 1-800-222-3229 (Jan. - April 20).

Visit Hawaii Department of Taxation to check the status of your tax refund.

Hawaii Department of Taxation

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